All about alcoholism and its cure and treatments

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Partners for a Drug Free Jasper County and the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence has designated April 2008 as Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol Awareness Month began in 1987 in an effort to reach the American public with information about the disease of alcoholism. This year's theme is “Saving Lives: Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking.” Alcohol Awareness Month efforts are particularly important as prom season approaches.

The prevention of underage drinking is vital because of its extremely harmful consequences.

Alcohol is a major factor in motor vehicle crashes, homicides, suicides, and unintentional injuries. These are some of the leading causes of death among youth. The need for underage drinking prevention efforts in Jasper County is clearly great. The Jasper Co. Sheriff reported 70 juveniles booked and 61 juvenile arrested for Illegal Consumption/Possession in 2007. This year’s theme, “Saving Lives: Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking”, highlights the need for collective action to increase underage drinking prevention efforts in families and communities nationwide. Partners for a Drug Free Jasper County is taking a stand to keep children safe from the devastating consequences of early alcohol involvement by planning a conference entitled, “A Day With Isabel Burk” on April 8 for health workers, teachers, pastors, guidance personnel, social workers and law enforcement. The main focus of this conference is underage drinking.

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