All about alcoholism and its cure and treatments

Friday, April 4, 2008

Alcohol: Socially acceptable, available

Sad, but true.

As a psychotherapist at Fairmont General Hospital’s behavioral medicine unit, Roberta Jackson sees people dealing with all kinds of drinking problems and drug use, from heroin to prescribed pills.

But, she said, “The big thing about alcohol is that it’s so socially acceptable and it’s so readily available and it’s cheap. I always tell people when I do groups, you can’t turn on a sporting event — like the Super Bowl — that’s not sponsored by the alcohol industry.

“And unfortunately, they completely glamorize it. ‘The beautiful people go out dancing and drink Miller Lite.’”

The 32-bed unit serves as a medical detoxification unit for people with drug and alcohol problems. The patients generally spend five to seven days there, getting off whatever substance they are on, before leaving to either go to another rehabilitation facility or back home for outpatient care.

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